Monday, September 27, 2010

Daily Class Notes: Class Discussion

Today in class we discussed the artists Thomas Kinkade and Vanessa Beecroft. It was interesting to find that a lot of the students agreed with each other espcially about Thomas Kinkade. I think he is a great person who sure knows how to market himself and get his message across to people with his artworks. I think his work IS art. In general, I don't think art can truly be define and I think that's the point. Art is Life. In life, we will have to deal with things we like, dislike, agree and disagree and that's what makes us human and different from each other. I don't necessarily dislike or like his artworks, though I do know its not my cup of tea. I recalled one student saying how when you become a sellout, people automatically starts hating on you. I think that's wrong to simply hate someone or their work because of their sucess level is overrated or you've seen it way too much. I do agree that when something is so "in-your-face" all the time that you'll start to get tired of seeing it, but that's not the point of it not being art because whose to say it is or it isn't. Art is art.

As for Beecroft, she seems interesting. I like the idea that she uses so many models, that makes them look like mannequins and she makes them stand for a long time until you start to notice them getting tired. I have to agree that she's kind of mocking us humans and media that beauty doesn't last forever and for us to not have just a "certain" type of beauty in mind.

Overall, this class discussion was great and insightful. I always wonder how it would be like if our questions were answered by the artist themselves. It could possibly be that, that is the point, to simply just question.

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