Thursday, September 23, 2010

Daily Class Notes: Movies

I like this week's Art 21 video, especially Michael Ray Charles. His artworks are really intriguing and I like that he's satirical in his work of art. The feel of the music playing gives his part of the video a nice touch since he does base his artwork in past advertisements.

We watched another film called "Helvetica" and I thought it was really interesting since I'll be concentrating in Graphic Design. I've always loved Typography so it was really cool that Helvetica IS part of our everyday life whether we notice it or not.

Our next project is based on Consumption, it has to be wearable/body object. We can use products such as clothing, food, etc to help us. But unfortunately I have no idea and don't know where to start because it has to be wearable. When I think of wearable I automatically think of clothes and I actually want to stay out of that. This project really makes me think of Project Runway when Heidi Klum or Tim Gunn tells them what objects or what they're allow to only use. But I guess I'll have to try my best to make it work! This will be interesting and def. out of my comfort zone.

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