Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Project: Art & Activism

In our group was Vivian and I. We both had previously worked in the past and worked again together on something we both were very passionate about. We chose the topic "Sex Trafficking". I first heard of Sex Trafficking 3 years ago and was intrigued by what kind of business it ran. It was not only disturbing, morally wrong, outrageous but even the story was mortifying and sad to hear from the victims. Ever since then, I've always had a passion to speak out, research or do things about this particular topic because one of the largest sex trafficking business hits where my parents birthplace is, Southeast Asia. We both initially had a lot of ideas and plans but due to the Thanksgiving break and crucial timing we narrowed it down and got straight to the point of it. Some of our ideas were creating a Facebook group to raise an awareness online, having a poll, creating 3 black figures (male, female, child) and putting it both on the hallway of Rowe and outside of Rowe, etc.

In the end, Vivian and I split the process work. Vivian drew and cut out the figure, I drew the words onto the paper and did the cut out of the cuffs. Afterwards we both cut the words and finished the process by placing the pieces onto the hallway in Rowe, 1st Floor.
Overall, though it could have been done better due to the lost of time, I think we both got the message across to the people who walked that hallway. I'm sure it made at least one person thought about it, and that makes quite a difference.


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